Friday, December 31, 2010

Annual gynocologist visit part 1

I mean tell me the truth doesn't get any better. Whether it is your 1st ...or your 37th visit...they just suck.
I have to admit...where I go...they do have it down to a T. My first stop was the mammogram...another joy in life. I mean...thank God for them...but there is no doubt in my mind that this sadistic, breast mashing piece of equipment was invented by a man.
Jessica...the little 20-something, no fat on her body, cute little technician... told me to get undressed from the waist up and was throwing out little amusing cliche' I'm sure she does a couple of hundred times a day in the attempt to make it a more pleasurable experience. My first surprise was that she didnt walk out of the room...or offer me  a gown or a drape. Nope...she just watched me as I pulled off my shirt and my bra...desperately attempting to suck in my gut that was muffining out over the top of my too tight jeans. That failed move was followed by another pitiful move... to stand up straight so that my breasts might all of a sudden... perk up. Alas...even though she kept her smile and her chit chat going...I know she had to be disgusted at the sight.
She made me hug the front of the machine as she pulled and rolled each breast into the perfect position to lower the "vise" and told me to "hold my breath" the way...was no problem at all. I dont want to move an inch due to the fear of putting the least more pressure on your pancake flattened breasts!
Even worse that the flattened frontal the "sideways" smash. Not that the horizontal compression is natural by any means...but that vertical just ain't right.
After she finished she turned to me standing there...with my reddened...blotchy ...non perky breasts...stomach now souffled over my jeans with no attempt to "suck it in" ..and told me she was going to go check the films and not to get dressed in case I had to "redo" any of the poses. Needless to ass was dressed 2 seconds after she shut that door.